April 9, 2011

Wine barrel walkway

Last year I sort of lived in a beautiful field filled with orange trees, and lemon trees and VERY LOUD rats.  EVERY NIGHT they would have cocktails on MY deck, which would result in VERY LOUD fits of hysteria as they twisted their little ankles and rumpled their little brown coats falling, drunk, down gopher holes on their way home. 

I had a couple of wine barrels fall apart on me and I turned them into a walkway. My very talented friend Andy helped me get this metal tape with holes in (plumbers tape) and we screwed them together with that.
YES they were disintegrating already, but they've held together VERY WELL and NONE of the rats have have tried to sue me - mind you, they are mostly inebriated when they use it.

I stenciled on some of them too.

The wine barrel slats that is...not the rats.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous!! Of course you stenciled them...when the rest of the world would have chucked them in the bin.

    We used to live in a really old Victorian house and next doors cat would disappear in to the walls on a daily basis and pull out desiccated rat carcasses as gifts. Good times.
