February 10, 2012

Detour: drawing to painting and the unknown

These are like things I did when I was small, like things I did when I was in college, like things I did when I was out of college - but not what I do. Today I was in the studio working on the little board book paintings. They were getting dark and soft and ready for some sharp contrast and clarity in the foreground that would make them pop like the girl with the pearl earring's - earring or so i tell myself.

Next thing I know theres a restlessness in my foot - then my body gets all squirmy and I start this inner banter "be controlled" then "let go", "what would you gain from letting your restlessness dictate your painting habits?" " Something other than what I was expecting".

That's all it took. I'm such a sucker for the adventure. 

Two of the drawings  from my last post are under these paintings. You can see them a little if you look hard.

Then comes the question - what the hell are they? Maybe...they are the rainbow obsession i had before I was ten. They are cryptic maps to hidden treasure and fantasy ports. They are flotsam and jetsam festooning our inner tidal zone. Part control, part squishy satiation of things like whim and lust. Indulgence and obscurification. Adventure and denial. 

Maybe they have something to do with love.

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